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2024-12-14 06:30:35 <map id="4DH4X7w2"></map>

Domestic substitution and expanding domestic demand, in essence, is not the corresponding technology and big consumption? The direction has been given to everyone above, so you can just wait for the trend to make money.Seeing that today's liquor, medicine, food and beverage, real estate, coal, and semiconductors have all risen, these have dividend stocks, policy support directions, and institutional shareholding, which all opened higher yesterday.(1) First, there was an obvious shrinkage in the opening today. My understanding is that I bought what I should have bought yesterday and sold what I should have sold yesterday. Today, the market has risen, and everyone will not be so impulsive. Therefore, the main funds in the venue are self-directed.

Seeing that today's liquor, medicine, food and beverage, real estate, coal, and semiconductors have all risen, these have dividend stocks, policy support directions, and institutional shareholding, which all opened higher yesterday.Although many people are still pessimistic, I am confident that the trend is bullish. Ups and downs will make many people lose money. Everyone will never make money outside their own cognition. It is better to wait patiently in the direction of their own cognition.Everyone still tries to choose the direction of holding shares and wait patiently for the policy to be fulfilled.

So yesterday, when everyone was full of confidence, the organization went to smash the plate. Today, confidence is lacking, and institutions are expanding consumption, real estate, and technology. These are just the directions supported by policies, such as stabilizing the property market and the stock market. Aren't these the directions that are rising today?Domestic substitution and expanding domestic demand, in essence, is not the corresponding technology and big consumption? The direction has been given to everyone above, so you can just wait for the trend to make money.Today's A-share shrinkage is too obvious. Don't expect to get out of the anti-package, and it is not allowed to do so now. Institutions will definitely exert their strength when the market is calm. Today is the slow cow that meets the above requirements, but when the mood is calm, the quantity will also come down. How to understand it?

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